Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Tongue piercing week 1 - 2

Bloody lump in front of tongue piercing

WARNING - this post will include a disgusting picture of my tongue.

The story:
I woke up at 4:45 AM with a taste of blood in my mouth. I started feeling a soft (fleshy feeling) lump against the roof on my mouth. I looked in the mirror and got scared half to death; my tongue was invisible underneath a layer of blood and there was a lump of over on centimeter (about half an inch) wide and thick in front of my piercing. The lump did not hurt. After gargling water, I found the lump was still covered in blood, no matter how many times I rinsed. At first I thought flesh had come out of my tongue through my piercing hole (since it was soft and felt fleshy). Since I started feeling small amounts of blood 'exploding' into my mouth every 10 minutes or so, I figured it must be a blood blister; releasing blood into my mouth as it was growing. I was very scared to use mouth wash, so I decided not to, and called my doctor after a few hours of misery. My doctor (who is a notorious idiot) freaked me out by telling me I had to go to the emergency room immediately and get it out. Having arrived at the emergency room, the doctor checked my temperature, asked me some questions, and told me she was quite sure it wasn't a blood blister. She poked it with Q-tips for a bit, after which she told me it was simply coagulated blood, took a paper towel, and wiped it off. My tongue looked perfect and pink, apart from a small cut in front of my piercing. I was in and out withing 5 minutes, feeling like a complete idiot. On the way home, I felt the cut bleeding again. 15 minutes later, I arrived home it looked as disgusting as before I left. I rinsed with water again, grabbed a tissue, removed the coagulation, and rinsed with 50% diluted mouth wash (which I had previously gotten from my piercer). After rinsing with the mouth wash, the bleeding stopped instantly. I started icing again, and it helped (especially mentally, I suppose). I was scared all day it would start bleeding again, but I followed the aftercare regime as my piercer had instructed, and it hasn't bled again since (this was a little over a week ago). All I have left now is a small pink bump, and I have started eating lots of licorice and drinking aloe vera juice to try and reduce it (I read about this in a university research publication, and figured I would give it a try - nothing to lose, right?).

The short answer:
If you have a bloody, fleshy-feeling, non-painful lump on your tongue piercing (which seems to be releasing blood at intervals), that looks something like this after being rinsed with water:

Try carefully poking it with Q-tips. If it doesn't cave in all too much and doesn't hurt at all (it will, however, feel really strange on the surface of your tongue while poking it), try to wipe it gently with a tissue, starting on the side. If the side moves and it does indeed seem like a coagulation, try wiping the entire thing with the tissue. Some blood will probably be released from around your piercing hole (where the wound is). You will probably have to grab the coagulation with the tissue, and carefully pull it off of the piercing (keep in mind that you're basically pulling a crust off of a wound!) Once it's off, the wound will most likely release some blood. Immediately rinse with mouth wash and the bleeding will stop. *If the bleeding persists or increases, SEE YOUR DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY.* Take ice chips, crushed ice, or small ice cubes and put them on your tongue. Continue your piercing aftercare regime as usual, and be extra careful about biting your piercing. You will most likely get a small pink bump - which you'll have for a while - in the spot where you had the wound (I still have mine one week later).

DISCLAIMER: I am not a healthcare professional, I am merely speaking from personal experience. I am trying to save you the €350 I had to pay the hospital for taking off a small coagulation, but if you feel your problem is a serious one, SEE A DOCTOR.

Painful mouth, barbell too long

The short answer:
After my swelling had gone down completely (day 9) and the bar was sticking out about 4 - 5 mm, I noticed the roof of my mouth, the soft palate below my tongue and my gums were getting really sore. This persisted for a few days until I finally changed my barbell for a shorter one. My piercer told me it was completely normal.

Can I eat dairy products while my new tongue piercing is healing?

The story:
Lots of piercers used to tell their clients not to eat dairy products while their piercing is healing, and some still do - including mine. She told me it could cause a yeast infection. Being upset about not being able to have cookie dough ice cream, I did a LOT of searching. I can't remember where I found it - and so I could be wrong - but I found that the theory has been disproven! I remember thinking this was a very reliable source, and I am very critical about what I read.

The short answer:
Go eat some ice cream! The theory that dairy products can cause yeast infections has been disproven, and so the advice not to eat dairy products is outdated.

White film on tongue that can't be brushed off

The short answer:
When you get a tongue piercing, your mouth has to get used to a foreign object in it. With the swelling and the metal ball on your tongue, your mouth has trouble creating a vacuum when swallowing. The white film on your tongue is just built up plaque which is usually swallowed. After a week or so, your mouth will have adjusted to the tongue piercing, and the white film will disappear.

Volcano / crater around tongue piercing

The short answer:
This happens to everyone. Your tongue is adjusting to the piercing and you'll get a crater where the ball sits. This part differs, but my crater was gone when the swelling was gone. I just have a dent now, which will also mostly disappear.

Tongue feels burnt when I wake up

The short answer:
It is normal to wake up with a burnt feeling while your tongue piercing is healing. This happens because your mouth gets dehydrated overnight. Drink some water, rinse with your mouth wash or sea salt solution (whichever you prefer) and the burnt feeling should be gone.


  1. Hi, I see this is from a couple years ago but I need a little help ! I got my tongue pierced Thursday afternoon. It bled, kind if a lot, but its been fine, normal swellig and everything. I woke up this morning and I noticed a clot similar to yours. Mine is smaller, but it looked the same. I rinsed and tried removing it but it feels stuck to my tongue. What should I do ??

  2. Take a cotton swab and gently but firmly wipe it off. It may feel stuck to your tongue but as long as it doesn't hurt it's fine to take off. Be sure to rinse with diluted mouth wash afterwards to keep it from bleeding and coagulating again!

    1. It hurts a little when I tried removing it. It seems like there's also blood stuck in the hole. ( maybe why it hurts ?)

  3. i got my tongue pierced 2 days ago there is yellow puss coming from the top of the barbell and there is like a red blood blister in front of my tongue . i had one yesterday and i washed my hands and somehow got it to come off after that it was fine but the next morning it was there again and i washed my mouth out with mouth wash and sea salt. i dunno if its infected or not...? i clean it alotttt

  4. Hello, I had exactly the same thing as you, same size too and taking the blood clot off works and stop it but then a few hours it happened again? Then I cleaned it, it stopped. I can't help myself so I've been eating proper food, my piercer said that might be why but he seemed unsure. Every time I eat there's small bleeding coming out. Maybe I should stop? Have liquid form food for a while? After the first two times it stopped for 2 days. Then today, it did the same thing again in my sleep. I was cleaning and noticed that the clot is now building around my bottom bar ball too (under my tongue). Any ideas? Did it happened to yours? Please help. Thank you.

  5. I got a tongue piercing in December 2017 everything was fine until I went to a party (dat aftet) and I had a few drinks and then the bottom ball had gone into my tongue and got stuck into my tongue. I went back to where I got my tongue pierced and they told me it was too late for them to fix it so I had to go to a hospital to get it repierced or taken out. I kept stalling because of Fear then one of my friends took me to where she got her tattoo, there is a piercing parlor there too so I got it repaired there they Dug into the bottom of my tongue and pushed out the piercing then gave me a bigger ball so that it would not happen again. So after that I went through the whole recovering stage yet again after a week it was healed I went back to the parlor to get a check-up and he said that it was coming along fine. I left, 2-weeks late Wich is like now, the bottom part of my tongue is swelling and it feels hard and I cannot extend my tongue anymore, last week there was some funny thing growing from where it was repierced (on it's side) I ignored it thinking that it's procedure and would go away now it's it's kind of yellow (by the way but now it grew into my tongue) and now my tongue is swelling, it is very hard I can barely move it I do not know what to do or who I should ask for help I just found out about this site If anyone can help me please contact me on

    1. I think the short and unfortunate answer is your tongue is rejecting to been pierced. So you may have to accept defeat and remove it. I would though go to the piercer who helped with your first issue as they seem to have more knowledge and care than where you went for the original piercing.

    2. You probably have a keloid. I would suggest taking the piercing out letting it fully heal and redoing it later. Some of these issues cannot be handled during the healing process.I am a piercer and work at a very reputable tattoo shop. Everything you read on the internet is not correct

    3. Hey I want to reopen my tounge piercing how can I do it

  6. I got my tounge pierced Wednesday and its leaking a yellowish white color and its hard right by the bar also I woke up with a blood clot on it is that normal for a healing piercing

  7. Hi there i got my tongue pierced a few dsys ago same similar situation with the clotting. It doesnt hurt im moving my tongue as normal eating well drinking soup all the time etc...but everytime i wake up from sleep the clot is there. I remove with cotton bud-the rest that wont move from my tongue/around my ball, use the mouthwash, salt water and water... but how long could this last for the clotting,?

  8. Stop telling people to use sea salt. That solution is only for female private piercings. People are not generally chemist so they cannot make the sea salt solution properly. Most of their utensils are from the kitchen which is covered in everyday bacteria. Basically you're telling people to start up bacteria and put it on there piercing.

    1. Google sea salt rinse at home. It gives you the proper salt to water ratio..

  9. So i got my tongue peirced a week ago it barely bled when i got it done but around four days later it randomly started bleeding here and there. No pain but my tongue feels burnt all day everyday. (I drink lots of water) only water.

  10. I am so glad I came across this blog. I also have the blood circle around my tongue. This is the second time in a week. I got my tongue pierced on Saturday. So today is day 7

  11. I don’t get how you removed the clot and it stopped bleeding ? I woke up with 2 large clots on both sides and when I removed them they started bleeding alllllllot for 20 hours straight they underside FINALLY clotted back up and the top is slowing down a lot hopefully it clots soon too just so the bleeding stops but I’m just so confused by this post

  12. I’m having this clotting problem on both the top and especially the underside the thing is when I first woke up with it I did pull it off but that made it bleed for 20 hours non stop I FINALLY got the bleeding to stop in the underside and the top is just bleeding a little bit enough just to taste it.. I don’t understand how you pulled it off without it bleeding even more than before :/

  13. I’m having this clotting problem on both the top and especially the underside the thing is when I first woke up with it I did pull it off but that made it bleed for 20 hours non stop I FINALLY got the bleeding to stop in the underside and the top is just bleeding a little bit enough just to taste it.. I don’t understand how you pulled it off without it bleeding even more than before :/
